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Blue Smoke

A Systematic Approach


In EYFS and KS1 we use a systematic, synthetic phonics programme called Read, Write Inc. We start this programme early in the Nursery spring term to help close any reading gaps early.


This programme maximises daily reading opportunities and through direct, repetitive practise ensures that reading knowledge and skills become embedded and automatic. Children in Nursery have daily planned talk sessions to develop their language comprehension. This is in addition to their language rich environment which provides talk opportunities throughout the day within back-and-forth interactions that model new language, extend current language, connect current ideas and support in articulating new ones.


From Spring term in Nursery through to Year 2, children have daily phonics sessions where they participate in reading, spelling, speaking and listening and writing activities matched to their need. Children beyond Year Two, who are not meeting age related expectations in reading, continue to follow the same programme.

Blue Smoke

Daily Reading Practice


In EYFS and KS1, all children read aloud daily within their phonics lesson. Other reading opportunities include fred talk time, pinny time, additional afternoon phonic sessions and library time. In EYFS daily story and rhyme times are also planned in to develop phonological awareness. In addition, children reading below age related expectations receive a daily fast-track intervention and additional reading sessions.


 In KS2 the focus is on further developing fluency to support prosody and comprehension. Children in KS2, read daily during whole class reading and guided reading sessions. During these sessions, fluency is prioritised through choral reading, echo reading and repeated reading. Those children who are less fluent will still access the RWI scheme as well as fast track intervention sessions and additional reading sessions. Weekly reading sessions are also timetabled in the school library to support with browsing, exploration and discussion of books and additional reading opportunities are made to read in other subjects. All children also have the opportunity to read during playtimes on the school library bus or in the reading house.

Blue Smoke

Support to catch up


In EYFS and KS1, sound knowledge, accuracy and fluency are individually assessed using RWI assessments every half term to ensure that children keep up and maintain interest in reading. A responsive and flexible approach is then applied to regroup children based on their individual needs. Children identified as reading below age related expectations are further supported with a personalised, daily fast track intervention.


Other additional support for these children includes; targeted afternoon phonics sessions, booster groups and 1:1 reading. For children with SEND who are identified as having an additional barrier to reading extra assessments and interventions will be completed and planned for including auditory memory assessments. In KS2, children reading below age nine will also have their decoding and fluency assessed. Children will then enter the phonics scheme at a point that is necessary for them to make progress.

Blue Smoke

Access to Appropriate Books


We recognise the importance of reading at home to practise and embed reading skills. In Nursery  story sacks are sent home with linked fred talk games to support with language comprehension and oral blending. From Spring Term through to KS1, children take home decodable RWI flashcards/ blending books or book bag books practised in their phonics lesson. These resources allow children to further develop accuracy, automaticity and fluency in their reading which builds confidence and provides opportunity to absorb language.


In KS2, children take home books from the Collins Big Cat Scheme which are in line with their reading fluency and accuracy. For those no longer requiring support with fluency, age-appropriate free reader books are available. Books in the schemes and free readers have been carefully selected and added to; ensuring they are current and children experience a wide breadth of reading genres.


Some children receive additional targeted videos from the virtual classroom sent home to further support in addressing their gaps.

Blue Smoke

Reading Buddies


At Sandon, we love to provide as many opportunities as we can to read, read, read, with dinnertime being no exception!


We are very lucky to have our reading buddies. These KS2 children go out onto the KS1 playground at lunch to read a variety of different books with our children.


Our younger children love hearing the older children read to them, and it is a great way for reading to be modelled.


However, our reading buddies have also told us that they also love having the younger children read to them. It makes them proud to see how much they improve as the year progresses. Another opportunity allowing our children to read for pleasure. 

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