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How do I apply for a place at Sandon Primary Academy?


Sandon Primary has a year group PAN (Pupil Admission Number) of 60 from Nursery to Year 6. Class sizes will not exceed 30 in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 unless a child has an Education, Health & Care Plan or is a Looked After Child. See the PAN for the current and next academic years below.


Sandon Primary Academy has a waiting list for some year groups, however; if you wish to apply for a place in one of our current year groups please get it touch with the school office.


More info can be found here.


Year Group PAN's for September 2023 are as follows;


Nursery - 60

Reception - 60

Year 1 - 60

Year 2 - 60

Year 3 -60

Year 4 - 60

Year 5 - 60

Year 6 - 60

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