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Attendance: Go for Green!

Why is good attendance important?

Good attendance at school is vital for pupils to achieve their full education potential. Pupils with good attendance records benefit in the following ways:


  • Continuity of learning which makes progress and retention easier

  • Enhanced performance in examinations

  • Continuity of relationships and friendships

  • Good habits are formed for later life


The Importance of Punctuality

It is important that pupils are punctual so that they do not miss out on the beginning of each school day.  Children must attend on time to be given a present mark for the session. Arrival after registration has closed (9.15am) will result in an unauthorised absence for the morning session.

Rewarding Attendance & Communicating with Parents

At Sandon, we reward attendance - both improving attendance and good attendance.

Termly letters are sent out to parents of pupils achieving the school attendance target and weekly 100% attendance certificates are handed out - but with a Sandon twist! Certificates are part of sets... can your child get each certificate in the set to win an extra special prize? 

We use our school social media and Class Dojo platforms to share regular reminders with parents about the importance of attendance and the impact not attending regularly has on learning.

Attendance certificates.png

Attendance Policy

Click on the button below to view Sandon Primary Academy's attendance policy

Parental Responsibilities

Click on the link below to view the Government rules on attendance and absence

Requests for Leave

Requests for leave during term time may be subject to a fine


Click below to view the Academy term dates for the academic year
2024 - 2025

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