Our Deputy Head Boy & Girl tell you all about our brand new iPad Pods!
Inaayah and Josh explain how our brand new iPad Pods will support learning!
Find all the dates that you need!
Find all the dates that you need!
Find all the dates that you need!
Our Deputy Head Boy & Girl tell you all about our brand new iPad Pods!
More on our Vending Machines from our Head Boy & Head Girl!
Key Stage 1 Playground
Fun in 4B!
COVID Update
New Starters!
Researching Religious Symbols
Diving into Year 4!
COVID-19 Flow Chart
Friday fun!
Feeling fantastic in Year 4!
Return to School for all Pupils on Tuesday 1st September
The Great Key Worker Knockout Competition!
Return to School for ALL Pupils in September!
Fun in the forest!
Perspective Painting
We're growing in Year 3!
Sunny Sunflowers!
Our Amazing Displays!