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Year 6's day at the zoo!

Miss Grindlay

Today, year 6 had a brilliant day (despite the weather!). We went to Reaseheath College and were able to see and learn about lots of different animals. Our science topic for this half term is 'Living things and their habitats' so we learnt all about the classification of different animals and where they come from in the wild.

We started off the day with a zoo tour, looking at lots of different mammals and birds. We saw meerkats, otters, hawks, owls, alpacas, mini monkeys, wallabies and even a baby joey! Then after lunch, we stayed warm inside and saw lots of amphibians and reptiles. Some of us were even brave enough to hold some things! We learnt lots of interesting facts along the way too!

Year 6 answered and asked some brilliant questions and really impressed the guides with their knowledge. The guides were also really impressed with how well behaved and sensible they were. They even said that they were the best year 6 they had ever had! We were very proud!

We didn't let the traffic get us down!
